Keynote Speaker

Thalia(Talia) Arawi (BA, Sociology, MA, Political and Moral
Philosophy) PhDs (Philosophy and Bioethics) is Founding Director of the Salim El-
Hoss Bioethics and Professionalism Program (SHBPP) at the American University
of Beirut Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center. The SHBPP the first and only
Regional Bioethics and Professionalism Program in the Arab Region and was
recently announced as the first WHO Collaborating Center for Ethics in the Arab
Region. Dr. Arawi is the first Arab to specialize in Bioethics. She is also the Clinical
Bioethicist, Clinical Ethics Consultant and Certified Healthcare Mediator at
AUBMC where she established the first Bed-Side Clinical Ethics Consultation
Service in the Arab Region.

Dr. Arawi is the first Arab member to be appointed on
the Board of Directors of the International Association of Bioethics and is also
member of the American Society of Bioethics, the Canadian Society of Bioethics,
the Provincial Health Ethics Network and, the UK Clinical Ethics Network, to
mention but a few. Dr. Arawi is also the first Arab consultant at the Center for
Conflict Resolution in Healthcare LLC, Memphis TN and member of WHO Ethics
Working Groups and was appointed as Liaison Officer and Bioethics Focal Point to
the Prime Minister.

Dr. Arawi published the first of its kind Bioethics Dictionary in
Arabic with Dr. Ruhi Ballbaki (dar al Ilm lil malayin publishers, 2018) and recently
published a book, Towards a Post Flexnerian Revolution: Graduating the Virtuous
Physician, AUB Press, 2022. Her third book, 77 Days with Rumi (Dar Nelson) was
released this November (2023). She has participated in a multitude of national,
regional and international conferences and has several publications on bioethics.
Her research interests are mainly in the areas of clinical ethics, biomedical ethics,
philosophy of medicine, humanitarian medicine, ethics and refugees, access to
Healthcare, bioethics in conflict zones, ethics and mental health and medical